Keeping your community safe
. . . EVERY DAY!

Home Security Gadgets

The world can be a dangerous place

We are dedicating this website to bring you the latest and in our opinion the best gadgets for installation, mostly DIY installation, with a fair price and where possible an affiliate link which will help this site remain fresh and post more items.

Even though you live in a gated community, nothing is fool proof. Your community tries very hard to keep a safe environment for all residents and guests but, alas, they can only do so much.

So, perhaps it is time to look around to see if your home can use a security checkup to provide that extra touch to keep you, your family, and you property safer.

Amazon Home Security Offerings

Blink Outdoor Wireless Security Cameras

A new security camera offering for outdoor use is now available. It offers battery life of up to 2 years! Yes, 2 years. Click the Shop now button on the image on the right to see the 3 camera offering. Additionally, you can purchase a single camera and there are indoor cameras also available.

Amazon iframe snippet is pasted below.using iframe widget

I am posting the snippet in full for your inspection.

<iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//;region=US&placement=B086DKSHQ4&asins=B086DKSHQ4&linkId=a071e24657ef4491961cbaa8cd15a319&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true&price_color=333333&title_color=0066c0&bg_color=c4b8b8″>

Example of Amazon Link Picture

The above Amazon Link iframe snippet should translate to the image on the right.

The above snippet works fine in a Gutenberg or DIVI website but not Elementor.

Gutenberg Example